সোমবার, ৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১১

IPplan Installation and configuration on Debian

IPplan is a tool for managing IP information and DNS administration by a web browser.
Here I have showed IPplan installation and configuration process on Debian.
which front end is PHP and back end is mysql.


Apache-2, Mysql-server, php5, php5-mysql.


  1. #apt-get update [check package management tools are uptodate]
  2. #apt-get dist-upgrade [check installed software are latest]
  3. #apt-get install mysql-server
  4. #apt-get install apache2
  5. #apt-get install php5
  6. #apt-get install php5-mysql
  7. Download IPplan from http://sourceforge.net/projects/iptrack/files or use

#wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/iptrack/files/ipplan-4.92a.tar.gz. [here version is 4.92a]

  1. #tar –zxvf ipplan-<….>.tar.gz [where the file has downloaded]
  2. #mv –vf /var/www/ [substitute ipplan folder to /var/www]
  3. #mysqladmin –u root –p create ipplan [ipplan database create in Mysql]
  4. #mysql –u root –p ipplan [A user create name “ipplan”]
  5. mysql> grant all on ipplan.* to ipplan@localhost identified by ‘rubel’; [set all privilege to ipplan user for ipplan database].
  6. mysql> flush privileges; [Reload mysql rights.]
  7. mysql > exit;
  8. Now open config.php file from /var/www/ipplan/ location and edit following for connection with mysql;

define("DBF_TYPE", 'maxsql');
define("DBF_HOST", 'localhost');
define("DBF_USER", 'ipplan');
define("DBF_NAME", 'ipplan');
define("DBF_PASSWORD", 'rubel'); [password of ipplan user is rubel]

  1. #chown –R :www-data /var/www/ipplan [Change ownership and group of ipplan directory. www-data group hold execute permission.]
  2. #chmod –R 750 /var/www/ipplan [Set permission for owner, group and others]
  3. Open a web browser and write http://localhost/ipplan/admin/install.php [for creating ipplan tables in mysql. 24 tables will create.]
  4. click go. [may want ipplan admin authentication. Default user : admin and password: admin. You can change this by edit config.php file or later from browser.]
  5. IPplan Installation has finished. [Hurray………..].

Now go to Configuration Steps:

  1. open web browser and write http://localhost/ipplan/
  2. click on admin -> users -> create a new user. [ipplan admin authentication password need.]

  3. click on admin -> groups -> create a new group. With create/modify/delete customers right. Then created user insert into this group.

  4. click on Customers -> Create a new customer/autonomous system. [ipplan authentication is required. User and password will just created.]

  5. click on Network -> Hierarchy -> create a new network range/supernet. [fill the blank field and select customer for which the network you want to apply]
  6. Then click on Network -> subnets -> Create a subnet. [fill the blank fields].
  7. Now create another user and group that groups users can only view the customers and their addresses.
  8. for show click on Network -> subnets -> display subnet informations – tree.

IPPlan installation and configuration has completed. ******** Now Take rest ********

IPplan Installation on Debian

I will update Installation process of IPplan tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
