বুধবার, ৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১৩

Cisco ASA 55XX Password Recovery Process

Cisco ASA 55XX Password Recovery Process:

1.       Power cycle the ASA by unplugging and plugging back in the power adapter.
2.        While restarting, press ESC or Break to enter the ROM Monitor mode. prompt should look like (rommon#0)
3.       Enter command confreg. This will show the current configuration register, which should be 0×00000001. Say NO to change prompt.
4.       Change configuration register to 0×41 to ignore the Startup-configuration on boot.  To do this please type  (rommon#1)  confreg 0×41
5.        Reboot  the ASA with (rommon#2)  boot command.
6.        ASA will reboot and show the default prompt ciscoasa>
7.        Do ciscoasa>enable and press Enter.
8.       Press Enter. (Password is blank)
9.       You should be in privileged mode ciscoasa#
10.   Run ciscoasa# copy start run
11.   Destination File name [running-conf ig]
12.   Enter the ASA configuration mode. ciscoasa# config terminal
13.   Now set the new password of your choice. ciscoasa(conf ig) # enable password
14.   Change configuration register back to 0×00000001 to boot from startup-config.             
ciscoasa(conf ig) # config-register 0×01
15.   Save the running-config to startup-config. ciscoasa# copy run start

16.   Reload the ASA. ciscoasa# reload