বুধবার, ১৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

Conversion from Timeticks to Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds:

Conversion from Timeticks to Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds:

1. timeticks / 100 = seconds
2. timeticks / 6000 = minutes
3. timeticks / 360000 = hours
4. timeticks / 8640000 = days

মঙ্গলবার, ১২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

Observium Installation on Debian

Observium Installation on Debian:

1.     Install Prerequisites by below command.
#apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-snmp php-pear snmp graphviz php5-mcrypt php5-json subversion mysql-server mysql-client rrdtool fping imagemagick whois mtr-tiny nmap ipmitool python-mysqldb
2.    If you want to be able to monitor libvirt virtual machines, install libvirt-bin (beware: this pulls in a whole bunch of dependencies you otherwise probably wouldn't need on your server):
#apt-get install libvirt-bin
3.    Create a directory for Observium to live in:
#mkdir -p /opt/observium && cd /opt
4.    If you would like to try out Observium using the Community/Open Source Edition, please install using the most recent .tar.gz release.
          Download the latest .tar.gz of Observium and unpack:
 #wget http://www.observium.org/observium-community-latest.tar.gz
    #tar zxvf observium-community-latest.tar.gz
5.    Change into the new install directory:
#cd observium
Copy the default configuration file and edit it for your system:
#cp config.php.default config.php
6.    Create the MySQL database:
#mysql -u root –p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE observium;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON observium.* TO 'observium'@'localhost'
       -> IDENTIFIED BY '';
7.       Edit config.php. Change the options to reflect your installation. Change the db_user name and password as you provide by previous command.
$config['db_user'] = "observium";
$config['db_pass'] = "hadi123";
8.    Setup the MySQL database and insert the default schema:
#php includes/update/update.php
9.    Create the directory to store RRDs in:
#mkdir rrd
#chown www-data:www-data rrd
10.   Create  config file by    
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/observium.conf
and Add below lines
DocumentRoot /opt/observium/html/
ServerName  observium.domain.com
CustomLog /opt/observium/logs/access_log combined
ErrorLog /opt/observium/logs/error_log

AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
11.   Create logs directory for apache 
# mkdir /opt/observium/logs
# chown www-data:www-data /opt/observium/logs
12. If OS is Debian > 6.0 and ubuntu > 11.04 then
Remove this line in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf:
mibs :
and add the following line:
mibdirs /opt/observium/mibs
13. Enable mod_rewrite for Observium's cleaner URLs:
#a2enmod rewrite
#apache2ctl restart
14. Add a first user, use level of 10 for admin:
#cd /opt/observium
[Example# ./adduser.php hadi hadi123 10]
15. Add a first device to monitor:
#./add_device.php   v2c
16. Do an initial discovery and polling run to populate the data for the new device:
#./discovery.php -h all
#./poller.php -h all
17. Add cron jobs, create a new file /etc/cron.d/observium with the following contents:
33  */6   * * *   root    /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 *     * * *   root    /opt/observium/discovery.php -h new >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 *     * * *   root    /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py 1 >> /dev/null 2>&1
18. You should now be able to see http:///observium

Cacti 0.8.7g Installation on Debian:

Cacti 0.8.7g Installation on Debian:

1.       Prerequisites : apache2, php5, php5-common, php5-cgi, php5-cli, mysql-server, php5-mysql, snmp, rrdtool, php5-gd.
2.       Apt-get install apache2 php5  php5-common  php5-cgi  php5-cli  snmp  rrdtool mysql-server php5-mysql  php5-gd cacti.
3.       Set mysql root user password, mysql cacti user password and web server used by cacti during installation.
4.       Now cacti is ready to be used.
5.       http:// address>/cacti/
6.       User: admin and password admin. Then change the admin password.
Then add device and create graphs.